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Daniel Basso, Mar del Plata 1974.

Cursa estudios de pintura en la Escuela Superior de Artes Visuales de esa ciudad. Trabaja en el desarrollo de su obra desde 2002.

Fue becado por Fundación Antorchas, el Fondo Nacional de las Artes, Fundación Telefónica, TRAMA (patrocinado por la Rijk Academie), el Ministerio de Cultura de la Nación y la fundación Oxenford.

Realizó las exposiciones individuales D ́accord (Baltar Contemporáneo, Mar del Plata, 2006), Bijouterie para Camiones, versión completa (Galería Appetite, 2008), Sagrado Corazón de Bizcochuelet (Galería Slyzmud, 2012), Garage (Centro cultural Recoleta, 2015), Hogar Emporio (Galería Slymud, 2016), Tour blando (Centro Cultural Recoleta, 2016), Maple&Co. (Fundación OSDE, 2017), Richmond, Reggo, Real (Galería The White Lodge, Córdoba, 2018), Farola.Tapiz.Túnica (Calvaresi, 2019), Bombonera (Calvaresi, 2022).

Ha mostrado su trabajo en forma colectiva en numerosas exposiciones, bienales, ferias y salones tanto en el país como el exterior. Su obra forma parte de colecciones públicas y privadas.

En 2009, junto al artista Juan José Souto, funda en Mar del Plata el proyecto Mundo Dios, referencia del arte contemporáneo a nivel nacional, en donde se desempeña como curador, director editorial y docente hasta 2019.

En 2015 dicta talleres para el Fondo Nacional de las Artes en La Plata y Salta.

En 2017 es seleccionado para el premio Braque. En 2019 recibe el 1er.Premio ITAÚ en Artes Visuales y realiza una residencia de tres meses en Atelier Mondial, Basilea, Suiza. En 2020 obtiene el XXIV Premio Klemm a las Artes Visuales.

En 2022 dicta un taller de escultura y analisis de obra en el espacio independiente Artaplanta de la ciudad de Balcarce.

Daniel Basso (Mar del Plata, 1974)
He studied painting at the Higher School of Visual Art in Mar del Plata and has been working in the development of his production since 2002. During those years he turned from the pictorial training to the field of sculpture and photography.
Basso was awarded a scholarship by Fundación Antorchas, Fundación Telefónica, TRAMA (sponsored by the Rijk Academie) and the National Ministry of Culture.
He made individual exhibitions such as D ́accord (Baltar Contemporary, Mar del Plata, 2006), Jewelry for trucks, full version (Appetite Gallery, Buenos Aires, 2008), Sagrado Corazón de Bizcochuelet (Slyzmud Gallery, Buenos Aires, 2012), Garage (Recoleta Cultural Center, Buenos Aires, 2015), Hogar emporio (Slyzmud Gallery, Buenos Aires, 2016), Soft tour (Recoleta Cultural Center, Buenos Aires, 2016), Maple & Co. (Fundación OSDE, Buenos Aires, 2017), Richmond, Reggo, Real (The White Lodge Gallery, Córdoba, 2018), Farola. Tapiz. Túnica (Calvaresi Gallery, Buenos Aires, 2019). Open studio (Atelier Mondial, Basel, Switzerland, 2019), Set design for Daels SS20 during Paris Fashion Week (Argentine Embassy, Paris, France, 2019).
He has shown his work collectively in numerous exhibitions, biennials, fairs and salons both at home and abroad. His work is part of public and private collections. In 2017 he was selected for the Braque Award. In 2019 he obtained the Itaú Visual Art First Prize and carried out a three-month residency in Atelier Mondial, Basel, as part of the cultural exchange program between Switzerland and Argentina promoted by the URRA Project.
In 2020 he obtained the Klemm Award First Prize.
In 2009, together with the artist Juan José Souto, founded Mundo Dios project in Mar del Plata, a reference of contemporary art at national level, where he currently works as curator, editorial director and teacher. They produce exhibitions, different workshops and also function as an artist residence. He has coordinated, as a tutor, training workshops for the National Fund for Art in the Province of Buenos Aires and Salta.
Lives and works in Buenos Aires.

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